Recently, digitization in assembly factories in particular and digitization in factories in general has been an integration trend. Technology development in parallel with factory digitization is exploding extremely strongly. This is perhaps inevitable; it is the result of many technological and scientific revolutions. In particular, the 4.0 revolution has clearly shown this digital change.

Concept and development roles of assembly factory digitization?


Assembly factory digitization is the process of transferring from traditional models to digital business models. Even more obvious is the application of new technology and science products such as IoT (Internet of Things), Big Data… As a result, the operating system, from the management board to regulations and company culture, has also been changed to be more effective.

Assembly factory digitization is the digital technology application for the assembly factory system in order that all processes and systems are optimized, achieving the best efficiency and labor productivity. This digitalization will develop the entire business to a new level.

Conditions for digitizing assembly factory to operate effectively

In parallel with the application of factory digitalization , the forces in the rear are required to promote development.

Therefore, it is necessary to train and update knowledge and expertise for staff participating in the system. Basic skills in operating and controlling equipment and machinery need to be proficient and understood correctly and clearly to be able to operate the best factory digitalization.

In addition, a company that wants to digitize its assembly factory needs to find a reputable and quality supplier. This will help you have good machinery lines and effective system software.

Benefits of digitizing assembly factory in the digital age

  • The initial benefit that cannot be ignored is intelligent initiative and quick calculation and response. As a result, companies and businesses avoid downtime and slow production. If the times are different, the data of each time can be adjusted accordingly so that the increase in productivity and profits is the destination.
  • Optimize and connect proactively, transparently, and clearly. Based on that, the exchange operation of the assembly line system has been adjusted.
  • Improve the best product quality due to the establishment of the accurate parameters of each product code, especially in assembly and mechanical processing. The digitizing application will accurately align the exact size.
  • Digitize factories will reduce a range of expenses because the human workload at many stages will be tranferred to smart assembly systems which have the higher ability of endurance, speed, and productivity.
  • Factories and businesses manage the human factors of production process discruption such as sick leave, late hours, shortages… At the same time, the costs of training, recruitment, and labor management are significantly decreased.


More and more businesses have applied digitalization to their factories such as Vingroup, Vinamilk, Thaco… Businesses have applied and turned out extremely good results. Some factories have strong applications such as automotive industry, two-wheeler production, equipment and machinery assembly and manufacturing,…

Well-known applications rapidly develop production and raise competitive advantages with other countries in terms of price and quality.

Factory Digitization Projects of ATSCADA

Dự án số hóa cho nhà máy Marshall

Dự án số hoá nhà máy Dongjin

Dự án số hóa cho nhà máy iWasaki

ATSCADA is the top choice for factory digitalization services 

ATSCADA is a leading brand in digital technology with many years of experience. There is a team of professional engineers with high professional qualifications. You can be completely assured about the quality of the products that ATSCADA provides.

Understand the problems and issues that each business needs to improve and replace. ATSCADA will offer solutions and software to digitize assembly plants to optimize costs for businesses. The field of assembly factory digitalization is one of our leading strengths.

Above is the information about digitizing assembly plants that ATSCADA brings to you. If you need to learn more about the field of digitalization in general or the digitalization in assembly plants in particular. Please contact us via hotline.

>See morefactory digitalization solutions deployed by ATSCADA Lab

Warm regards and pleasure to serve!

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